Submitted by David Cardinal on Tue, 12/30/2014 - 09:22
Sometimes you just can’t control the clock or the sun. The monastery in Nyaung Shwe (in Myanmar’s Shan State) is famous for its historic round wood windows. But finding them with novices peering out from the study hall inside was a special treat. Harsh light or not, it was a great photo opportunity. Having a certainly helped me capture the full tonal range of the image from light to dark, but another trick was needed to make the image look good…
Submitted by David Cardinal on Sat, 12/13/2014 - 16:26
Inle Lake in Myanmar is famous for its “one-legged” fishermen. They perform the seemingly impossible feat of rowing (and steering) their small, teak-hulled, wooden boats with one leg wrapped around a single oar while managing to fish with a net at the same time.
Submitted by David Cardinal on Wed, 01/22/2014 - 11:17
Especially with the popularity of mobile devices for viewing photos, slideshows are a perfect way to show off the best of your images – or simply to share the highlights of an event or trip. Creating quality slideshows can be a time-consuming process, so any tool that helps me make better shows, faster, is a good thing. Regular readers will know that I’m a huge fan of Proshow’s offerings – Producer and Gold on the desktop, and Web for when you’re mobile or on a Mac. However, I’ve struggled a bit with how to leverage Proshow’s powerful Wizard tool while still having customizations like beginning and end captions. Fortunately, the clever Remix command has come to my rescue…
Submitted by David Cardinal on Thu, 12/26/2013 - 14:19
Despite the power of post-processing tools, one area that has always been labor intensive and error-prone is correcting images that have multiple light sources with multiple color temperatures. Since white balance is best set on the raw image, correcting for two or more different light sources has required “developing” the image multiple times and then using layers and layer masking to composite a version that shows each area lit correctly. Fortunately Adobe has changed all that…
Submitted by David Cardinal on Thu, 12/19/2013 - 02:20
Urban legend has it that the women on the Chin underwent the painful process of having their faces t
Submitted by David Cardinal on Thu, 09/01/2011 - 09:58
There is a lot of discussion about the ethics of altering images in Photoshop. But even more important is how we as photographers act in the field. There are many ethical issues which arise whether you're doing travel, nature or wildlife photography.