Anyone who licenses images for stock is short-changing themselves if they don't have fotoQuote Pro for quick and reliable industry benchmark pricing for images based on usage. Now Version 6 is coming out and looks to be better than ever
The full announcement with a discount offer for upgrading customers:
FotoQuote Pro 6, our biggest upgrade ever, is finished and ready for you to order.
As I said in my last email there are major changes and big additions in this fotoQuote upgrade; over 300 stock photo categories, updated assignment pricing information, thumbnails, Quote Pack pricing, international currencies, video stock and assignment information and much more.
I've done a short video that demonstrates the program and you can see it here:
For a limited time, we are offering all fotoQuote users the fotoQuote Pro 6 upgrade for $10.00 off the upgrade price of 74.99. Get the most up-to-date pricing information available for just $64.99. By acting now you save even more, this additional offer is good only until May 31, 2009, after that the upgrade price will be $74.99.
Use the Upgrade Authorization Code at the end of this email to qualify for your discount. The code also qualifies you for the special offer described below.
But for the best deal see the special "Mend Your Nets" offer below.
There is a saying: "When the fish aren't biting, the smart fishermen mend their nets."
When things are slower it's a good time to focus on your business; on those things that will bring in future income.
One of the things that you can do now to increase your sales is to license more images, and to do that the buyers need to know that your images exist.
Whether you are marketing your images through an agency, or directly, the key to having them found is to have great keywords. Photographers using our fotoKeyword Harvester have written us describing both how much easier the keywording process is using the Harvester, and how effective it has been in having their images found.
I've included a couple of the emails below, but first, here is our special offer:
If you were to individually buy both the fotoQuote 6 Upgrade for $74.99 and the fotoKeyword Harvester for $149.99, the programs would cost you $224.98.
BUT, for a limited time, you can order both the fotoQuote upgrade and the fotoKeyword Harvester as the fotoQuote Pro 6 bundle for just $149.99. (The $10.00 discount does not apply to the Mend Your Nets offer as this bundle is already discounted).
You save $75, essentially that's the same as getting your fotoQuote upgrade for free, and you get two programs that are a perfect combination. With this bundle you can keyword your images so they can be found by buyers, and once they are found you'll know what to charge for them.
For this $149.99 fotoQuote Pro 6 Bundle special upgrade price, act quickly. It's a limited time offer.
There is a video showing the fotoKeyword Harvester here:
To order the special upgrade bundle offer visit our online store page at:
"... I just wanted to pass on some good news. We started using Keyword Harvester about six months ago and for the last month and a half my site has been ranking #1
when you google "product photographer'. I'm sure that the keywords have contributed to the ranking... thanks."
- Michael Jones, Photographer, OR
I wish you every success with your business, and I hope fotoQuote and the fotoKeyword Harvester play a role in that success.